Hunters Migrated to Frontegg to Accelerate Software Development for Sustainable Growth

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Hunters, a fast-growing cybersecurity company, has freed up development resources and accelerated TTM with Frontegg’s multi-tenant user management solution. Thanks to this end-to-end enterprise-scale solution, the company has also migrated smoothly from Auth0, allowing it to focus solely on innovation and quality optimization.


Hunters is a startup that aims to solve one of the most difficult problems in cyber security today – making resource-intensive and manual threat hunting fully autonomous. The company’s AI-driven SaaS solution digests petabytes of security data to automatically detect threats across various attack surfaces and deliver high-fidelity, actionable findings to clients’ security teams.

The Problem: Not Enough Time to Focus on Core Product Tasks

The next-gen solution offered by Hunters promises to revolutionize the security landscape; however, a strong core technology is not enough to create a successful SaaS offering. In order to work with enterprise clients, startups must also offer a robust set of baseline SaaS capabilities, such as reporting, team management, in-app notifications, and more.

The company’s executives soon realized that the development teams were spending a lot of time developing features that were not related to the core product and its features. They seemed easy to build at first, but then Hunters realized that they also had to keep maintaining and putting in more work into them. This process was becoming an ongoing distraction that kept growing as the company scaled up.

״When you are building a SaaS product, you invariably end up spending a lot of time developing features that aren’t part of your core product.”
Tomer Kazaz, Co-Founder and CTO, Hunters

The Challenge: Many Options, But Steep Migration Requirements

Knowing how expensive and time-consuming it would be to develop generic SaaS capabilities internally, Hunters began looking for third-party solutions that could be integrated into its threat-hunting app. But then the migration challenges surfaced.

Zapier offered limited backend functionality with no frontend options, within adequate customer-facing capabilities that requireda lot of in-house work. This issue was a big deal-breaker for Hunters, as the company didn’t want to invest valuable time and resources into extensive manual customization processes. Things got more complex as Auth0 was already up and running, requiring tedious migration.

The Solution: Frontegg’s Self-Service Enterprise Technology

Hunters started by implementing Frontegg’s advanced enterprise-ready capabilities. The company is currently using Frontegg’s offering, which has been baked into its existing infrastructure, to provide its customers with comprehensive team management and full control over their account setting management.

As mentioned earlier, this migration to Frontegg’s solution was a gradual one, as Hunters was already using Auth0. But migration was a breeze thanks to Frontegg’s user-friendly characteristics and relentless support ecosystem.

“Frontegg was exactly what I was looking for. They were touching the
precise pain points I knew we were going to encounter. Frontegg
pretty much had me at hello!”

Tomer Kazaz, Co-Founder and CTO, Hunters

The cybersecurity company can now easily stay compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other privacy laws thanks to Frontegg’s self-service solution. Hunters can now focus on developing its threat-hunting tech while showing potential customers a mature SaaS product with cutting-edge enterprise features.

“We’re able to spend approximately 90% of our time concentrating on our core technology. As per my estimate, it saves us hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.”
Tomer Kazaz, Co-Founder and CTO, Hunters

Some Hunters team members were skeptical about adopting another third-party and migrating smoothly from an existing solution, feeling that it would have been better to build everything internally. However, after seeing how much time Frontegg saves them, the entire team has bought into the SaaS-as-a-service vision to focus entirely on innovation.