Octo.ai Leverages Frontegg to Ensure Future Scale

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Background and Challenges

OctoAI is a generative AI platform to build and run production applications at the best price and performance. OctoAI puts customers in control with end-to-end solutions for text and media generation, and the ability to run open source (e.g. Llama 3, Mixtral, SDXL) or custom models via SaaS platform, or in their own dedicated environment. OctoAI has long-standing partnerships with tech enterprises such as Amazon and Google and supports hundreds of AI-first startups building high-scale applications.

Before adopting Frontegg, OctoAI relied on a homegrown identity tool built on top of Okta. This homegrown solution worked well for the team’s legacy product, but lacked key features that were needed for an upcoming product launch. Vice President of Engineering, Itay Neeman, needed a solution that supported:

  • Self-Service Sign Up
  • SSO
  • Token Generation
  • Social Logins
  • Self-Service Management
  • Transactional Emails
  • Multi-Factor Authentication

The team initially discussed scaling the homegrown solution to meet the new product requirements, but determined that the number of features that needed to be added exceeded the bandwidth of the engineering team.

“We didn’t want to build the features into our existing solution. We decided to focus on the parts of the business that were important to us and find a tool that provided us with best of breed capabilities.” – Itay Neeman, VP of Engineering at OctoAI

Decision-Making Process

OctoAI’s approach to finding a new solution was pragmatic but not overly formal. They evaluated essential functionalities that were critical for the new product:

  • Self-Service Sign Up
    • Since the new product was developer focused, it was important to give customers more self-service functionality.
  • SSO
    • As the new product scaled, OctoAI knew that SSO would become a requirement for larger organizations.
  • Social Logins
    • Given the developer audience, OctoAI needed to include Google login and Github login to increase adoption.
  • Self-Service Management
    • In order to help OctoAI spend less time managing identity for each customer, they needed a way to empower customers to manage identity themselves.
  • Transactional Emails and Multi-Factor Authentication
    • As OctoAI went up market, these use cases would become essential to winning deals.

OctoAI also considered other customer identity vendors, but ultimately decided that Frontegg was the best bet for the future of OctoAI: “Knowing the level of complexity that our customers will request as time goes on, we felt like Frontegg provided the most enterprise ready features to secure our identity future” – Itay Neeman, VP of Engineering.

Results and Benefits

Since integrating Frontegg, OctoAI has observed significant improvements in their identity management capabilities:

  • User Engagement: Tens of thousands of users have signed up through the new system, engaging in millions of API calls daily using Frontegg-generated tokens.
  • Feature Utilization: The product team has integrated essential features like token management and plans to expand self-service management capabilities.
  • Future Readiness: The scalability and feature set of Frontegg provide a solid foundation for future enhancements, including more robust self-service user and permission management.


Transitioning to Frontegg allowed OctoAI to focus on core product development without the overhead of building and maintaining a complex identity management system. It offered the necessary tools to meet current demands while providing scalability for future needs. In return, they experienced an increase in adoption and engagement with their customers.