Slope Software Migrates to Frontegg 85% Faster Than a Leading Identity Competitor

slope case study

About Slope Software

Slope Software is an actuarial financial projection modeling software company, designed using modern thinking that breaks through all the limitations of traditional financial modeling software. It uses an easy, point-and-click interface to create variables, build models, and stack assumptions—pulling data from regular spreadsheets or text files and outputting fully customizable reports right in the program.

A Fork in the Road: Build or Buy

Slope’s CTO, Taylor Perkins, needed an authentication solution for Slope’s application. Slope Software was an early stage company with limited resources, and Taylor needed to optimize between engineering hours required to build and the cost of purchased software. At the time, the engineering team decided to leverage ASP.NET’s built in identity solution to satisfy the immediate authentication need. This solution provided the backend code necessary for identity, but required the engineering team to build out the frontend components. 

“ASP.NET was easy enough to set up, but it lacked the full feature set we would need in the future”
Taylor Perkins, CTO

Fast forward several years, and Slope’s homegrown solution had reached a deciding fork in the road. 

Slope decided to build an API component of their application to offer additional automation to customers. In order to give customers access to this new feature, they would need to provide additional authentication. The only way to offer authentication for the API tokens would be to build it out internally or purchase a new vendor. Taylor quickly determined which option would be best for the company. 

Partnering with the Right Identity Vendor

Taylor and the engineering team decided to evaluate many vendors, ultimately focusing on Frontegg, WorkOS, and Auth0. 

The team’s decision to partner with Frontegg was based on two factors:

Going Beyond Basic Auth

    Frontegg offered advanced self service features that would allow Slope Software to empower customers to manage their own authentication settings. 

    “I wanted my users to manage their own stuff. All I had to do with Frontegg was drop a component in React, and then all of a sudden my customers have MFA, password config, API tokens, and user management.”

    Stellar Support

      Frontegg’s engineers impressed Taylor with their knowledge of the identity space and their ability to help Slope’s customers troubleshoot complex problems.

      “Everyone I talked to at Frontegg were obviously experts in identity. They could always explain to me what was going on under the hood, and whenever we hopped on calls with them we made significant progress.”
      Taylor Perkins, CTO

      Migration Made Simple

      VP of Product and Operations, Ashley Faherty, was put in charge of Slope Software’s migration to Frontegg. Ashley had gone through a similar migration at her previous company, and was prepared for a long and time intensive process. 

      “We did an authentication project at my previous company. We were trying to migrate everything over to Auth0, but by the time I left the project had been ongoing for over a year.”
      Ashley Faherty, VP of Operations

      Ashley discovered that migrating to Frontegg didn’t involve the same headache. 

      All in, it took Ashley and the engineering team two months to fully migrate to Frontegg. During those two months the team made updates to JWT tokens, set up users in Frontegg, configured roles and permissions, set up emails, set up the login page, and pushed that data back and forth between their application and Frontegg. 

      “One of the greatest benefits to working with Frontegg has to be the time to value. Migrating to Frontegg was significantly faster than my experience migrating to Auth0.”
      VP of Product and Operations, Ashley Faherty

      Life with Frontegg

      After completing the migration to Frontegg, Slope Software’s team has enjoyed the benefits of an easy to use identity platform. The team has been able to deliver advanced login and security features without extensive coding required. 

      “We’ve changed our email invites with no code. Changed our permissions with little to no code. Turned on Google social logins with the click of a few buttons. There have been a number of customer requests related to identity that we wouldn’t have been able to prioritize and deliver without Frontegg.” VP of Operations, Ashley Faherty

      Additionally, the team is now able to provide advanced security features needed to close larger enterprise customers. 

      Taylor and Ashley have both enjoyed the partnership with Frontegg and are happy with the advanced identity they are able to provide to their customers.