Single Sign-On: Use Case Examples & Sample SSO Process

What Is Single Sign-On? 

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication service that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. SSO can help organizations manage multiple credentials and prevent users from having to remember multiple passwords.

SSO works by confirming that a user’s login credentials match their identity in a database. The user visits the website or app they want to use, the site sends them to a central SSO login tool, and then the user enters their credentials. If the authentication process is successful, the user is redirected to the service they want to access and is automatically signed in.

The SSO process involves five steps:

  1. The user visits the website or app they want to use.
  2. The site sends the user to a central SSO login tool.
  3. The user enters their credentials.
  4. The SSO domain authenticates the credentials, validates the user, and generates a token.
  5. The token enables the user to access the website or application.

This process can greatly improve the user experience, as well as enhance security by reducing the number of times that a user must enter their password. Many cloud-based applications, such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and Salesforce, offer SSO. SSO is related to SAML, but they are not the same. SAML is the standard through which SPs and IdPs communicate with each other to verify credentials.

Here are a few real-world examples of the use of SSO:

  • Google implements SSO between its products. When a user logs in to Gmail, they are automatically authenticated to other Google services like YouTube, Google Drive, and Google Photos.
  • Microsoft provides SSO between its services, including Office 365 and the Azure cloud, and also makes it possible to integrate other applications via its identity solution, Microsoft Entra.
  • Frontegg provides an easy to use SSO solution with multi-tenancy support for SaaS providers. It allows SaaS users to sign in via social login or other existing credentials. 

In this article:

5 Common SSO Use Cases

SSO has a wide range of use cases across a variety of industries and applications. Here are a few of the most common SSO use cases:

  1. Enterprise environments: SSO is commonly used in corporate environments where employees need to access dozens of applications and services as part of their daily work. This can include email accounts, file sharing software, project management tools, HR systems, and other internal platforms. SSO simplifies the user experience by allowing employees to access all these tools with one set of login credentials, reducing the number of times they need to enter their password.
  2. Cloud-based applications: Many cloud-based applications like Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and Salesforce offer SSO as a way for users to access multiple services with one set of login credentials. This can include email, calendars, file storage, and other productivity tools. SSO helps simplify the user experience by reducing the number of times a user needs to log in, and it also enhances security by reducing the number of places where a user’s login credentials need to be stored and managed.
  3. Online education platforms: Many online education platforms, such as Coursera and Udemy, offer SSO as a way for students to access multiple courses with one set of login credentials. This can help to simplify the user experience by reducing the number of times a student needs to log in, and it can also help to improve security by reducing the number of places where a student’s login credentials need to be stored and managed.
  4. eCommerce sites: Many eCommerce sites, such as Amazon and eBay, offer SSO as a way for customers to access multiple services with one set of login credentials. This can include shopping, account management, and order tracking. SSO helps to simplify the user experience by reducing the number of times a customer needs to log in, and it can also help to improve security by reducing the number of places where a customer’s login credentials need to be stored and managed.
  5. Government services: Some government agencies offer SSO as a way for citizens to access multiple government services with one set of login credentials. This can include access to tax records, voting records, and other government services. SSO helps to simplify the user experience by reducing the number of times a citizen needs to log in, and it can also help to improve security by reducing the number of places where a citizen’s login credentials need to be stored and managed.

In each of these use cases, SSO helps simplify the user experience by reducing the number of times a user needs to log in, and it helps to improve security by reducing the number of places where a user’s login credentials need to be stored and managed. These benefits make SSO an attractive option for a wide range of organizations and applications.

Step-By-Step Example of a Single Sign-On Process 

Here is an example of a real-life SSO process using the SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) standard. This example is slightly more detailed than the basic process we showed above, and has 8 steps:

  1. The user tries to access an application (Service Provider) for the first time.
  2. The Service Provider redirects the user to the SSO identity provider (IdP) for authentication.
  3. The user enters a username and password, and the IdP verifies the credentials.
  4. Once the user’s credentials are verified, the IdP generates a SAML assertion, which contains information about the user’s identity and attributes.
  5. The IdP sends the SAML assertion to the Service Provider.
  6. The Service Provider validates the SAML assertion to ensure that it was issued by a trusted IdP and that the information contained in it is correct.
  7. If the SAML assertion is valid, the Service Provider grants the user access to the application, and the user is logged in.
  8. The user can now access the application without having to enter their credentials again, as long as the SSO session remains active.

Note that this example represents a basic SSO scenario, and there may be variations depending on the specific implementation and requirements of the SSO system. However, this process illustrates the basic steps involved in an SSO process using SAML.

Single Sign-On Planning and Implementation Best Practices 

The following practices can help you improve your SSO implementation:

  • Identifying applications: The first step in implementing SSO is to identify the applications that will be included in the SSO system. This involves a thorough review of the organization’s current IT infrastructure, identifying which applications are critical to the business, and evaluating the feasibility of integrating them into the SSO system. The types of applications that users must access will inform the SSO strategy you choose.
  • Selecting the framework: The next step is to select the SSO framework that will be used. There are several SSO standards, such as SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect (OIDC), and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The organization should consider the specific requirements of their environment, such as the number of applications to be integrated, the level of security required, and the desired user experience, when selecting the appropriate SSO framework.
  • Check the accuracy of the identity directory is accurate: The accuracy of the identity directory is critical to the success of SSO. The identity directory must contain up-to-date and complete information about all users, including their usernames, passwords, and attributes. Before implementing SSO, the organization should review the accuracy of the identity directory, and make any necessary updates or changes. 
  • Securing the SSO system’s components: The security of all system components is of utmost importance. This includes the identity provider, the service providers, and the communication channels between them. The organization should implement strong security measures, such as encryption, to protect the SSO system components and ensure that the user’s login credentials are not compromised.
  • Enforcing session timeouts: To ensure the security of the SSO system, it is important to enforce session timeouts. This means that after a certain period of inactivity, the user’s session will automatically be terminated, and they will need to re-enter their login credentials to access the applications. The session timeout period should be set at an appropriate length, taking into consideration the organization’s specific requirements and the level of security required.

Forcing new sign-ins: To enhance security and prevent unauthorized access, the organization should enforce periodic sign-ins. This means that after a certain period of time, the user will be required to re-enter their login credentials, even if their session has not timed out. The system should also require a new sign-in session if there are two simultaneous active sessions for the same user. This helps to ensure that the user’s identity is verified on a regular basis, and helps prevent unauthorized access.

Implementing SSO with Frontegg 

Once you integrate Frontegg’s self-served user management solution, your customers can configure their SSO completely on their own with just a few lines of code. The single sign-on can be integrated with IDPs, powered by commonly-used protocols like OIDC and SAML. Yes, you can implement social login SSOs as well to add another layer of security in a user-friendly way.

The front end has been taken care of as well to provide an end-to-end solution for your user management endeavors. You can leverage all of Frontegg’s SSO components and personalize your SaaS offering with a customizable login box, in line with today’s top standards. This embeddable box reduces in-app friction, saves development time, and allows users to authenticate smoothly and gain quick access to the app. Implementing SSO has never been easier.

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